The poetics of iconotext in the Georgrafia íntima do deserto, by Micheliny Verunschk




image; iconotext; Brazilian contemporary poetry;


This paper aims to discuss the relationship between verbal text and imagistic text in Geografia íntima do deserto. Our proposition seeks to demonstrate that the relationship between this two text modalities, specifically with regard to the contact between poetry and visual arts, from the discussions that point to a change in the paradigm of the   image, can be sustained from the idea of the poetics of iconotext, definition of Liliane Louvel, which acts as a factor of enlargement of the senses of a work of art. Based on this concept, endorsed by the proposals of the so-called "iconic turn", we propose an analysis of poems that present this relationship, seeking to demonstrate how the notion of iconotext broadens the meanings of the composition of poems.



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How to Cite

Benites, P. . (2022). The poetics of iconotext in the Georgrafia íntima do deserto, by Micheliny Verunschk. Journal 2i: Identity and Intermediality Studies, 4(5), 107–118.