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Literature and communication

Media aproaches


  • Cristine Fichelscherer Mattos Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie



Mediality; Intermediality; Literary Critics; Literary Theory.


In the last two centuries, human communication has changed at an exponential pace. Literature, as one of the most relevant human expressions in the history of so many cultures, complied with this rapid speed of change. However, due to historical compartmentalisations of knowledge, which have placed literary studies and communication studies in separate organizational areas, the connection between the theoretical foundations inherent in them has not yet been sufficiently researched. In spite of the analytic-comparative work provided by the recent conceptual thrust of intermedia relations, the theoretical bases that underpin the scientific work in the literary and communication fields still lack closer approximation. In order to overcome this gap, this paper proposes an initial approximation through the processes of mediation, focused differently in such fields of study. As literary theory amd criticism have essential connections, part of the lack of this kind of work is also due to the absence of curricular approaches that consider the incidence of changes in current literature, correlated to the media transformations that have occurred in recent times. Thus, although this work does not propose a punctual analysis, it will proceed to brief analytical punctuations as a form of exemplification and application of theoretical inputs.


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2022-06-17 — Updated on 2022-06-22


How to Cite

Cristine Fichelscherer Mattos. (2022). Literature and communication: Media aproaches. Journal 2i: Identity and Intermediality Studies, 4(5), 29–46. (Original work published June 17, 2022)