Learning with pocket gophers

Porous ecologies and the resurgence of infested worlds of vitality





ecologies of proximity, multispecies studies, landscape, human-animal relations, vitalism


In this essay, I use a non-anthropocentric –more-than-human– perspective to tell a story about human-pocket gophers’ interactions in the rural territory of San Gerardo de Oreamuno, in northern zone of Cartago province, in Costa Rica. I’m interested in multispecies studies as an emerging agenda, which can be used for promoting reflection on contemporary views of rural development and socio-ecological challenges. Final considerations are concerned with modes of (co)existence that are active but unstable. Plots of land used for farmers to cultivate cauliflower and broccoli are multispecies zones of contact. Humans and pocket gophers, alongside other wild animals, technical devices, and abiotic elements of ecosystem are part of an entangled web of life, resistance, and death. Learning-with pocket gophers is to be sensitive to these infested words of vitality, where ambiguity and complexity can be seen as constitutive conditions of these modes of relationships.


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How to Cite

Barboza, L. (2023). Learning with pocket gophers: Porous ecologies and the resurgence of infested worlds of vitality. Journal 2i: Identity and Intermediality Studies, 5(7), 21–37. https://doi.org/10.21814/2i.4504