“Wisely decanting all the luminous points to shine in the shadow where a ray of sun penetrates”

The poetics of Salette Tavares


  • Catherine Dumas Sorbonne Nouvelle




Textual poetry, visual poetry, spatial poetry, Poetic art, punti luminosi, rhythm


Salette Tavares’ poetic art is implemented by the artist in her poetic and fictional production as well as essayistic. In this article, an essay mostly unpublished, A Dialética das Formas, and the poetic work recently published by Imprensa Nacional, Obra Poética 1957-1994, are compared. The reflection is opened to two novels recently published, Outro Outro and Irrar. In the poetic work, we do the back and forth between textual poetry and visual and spatial poetry to provide an overview of the “bright spots” of a multifaceted work. The analysis of Salette Tavares’ work departs from Haroldo de Campos’ reflection who interviews Ezra Pound, grounding itself in some theories by Barthes, Meschonnic and Jean-Claude Pinson, through “spots” and “galaxies”, “glows” and “space and movement”, as well as trough consequential questions of rhythm.


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Barthes, R. (1982). Conférence au Collège de France, 10 octobre 1978. Paris: col. Les inédits du Collège de France.

Campos, H. de (2010). Ezra Pound: I punti luminosi. In Carmen de P. Arruda Campos e Thelma Médici Nóbrega (orgs.). O segundo arco-íris branco (pp. 191-203). São Paulo: Iluminuras.

Martelo, R. M. (2022). Devagar, a Poesia. Lisboa: Sistema Solar (Documenta).

Meschonnic, H. (2001). Célébration de la Poésie. Lagrasse: Verdier.

_____ (2002). Critique du Rythme. Lagrasse: Verdier.

Picchio, L. S. (2022). Brin-cadeiras para Salette Tavares. In S. Tavares, Obra Poética 1957-1994 (pp. 979-993). Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional.

Pinson, J.-C. (1999). À quoi bon la poésie aujourd’hui?. Nantes: Pleins Feux.

Tavares, S. (2017). Lex Icon. ed. fac-símile. Lisboa: Tigre de Papel.

_____ (2019a). Irrar. Lisboa: Tigre de Papel.

_____ (2019b). Outro Outro. Lisboa: Tigre de Papel.

_____ (2019c). O Kágado. Lisboa: Tigre de Papel.

_____ (2022a). Sintra no Jardim da Esmeralda. Lisboa: Tigre de Papel.

_____ (2022b). Obra Poética 1957-1994. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional.

_____ (2023). A Dialéctica das Formas. Original do espólio de Salette Tavares, ao cuidado de Salette Aranda Brandão.



How to Cite

Dumas, C. (2023). “Wisely decanting all the luminous points to shine in the shadow where a ray of sun penetrates”: The poetics of Salette Tavares. Journal 2i: Identity and Intermediality Studies, 5(8), 9–20. https://doi.org/10.21814/2i.4846