The reinvention of poem in Salette Tavares




Salette Tavares, Poetry and reinvention, Game and appropriation


In this paper, we discuss the poetry of Salette Tavares under the sign of invention and play. Through the play of language in the verbal and non-verbal planes, Tavares renews the matter that gravitates immersed in the memory of childhood or in the free experience with the languages and objects that surround us, leading us to new aesthetic experiences. The poet reinvents the poem, which itself becomes a critical object in dialogue with other things in the world. In her poetry and in her texts, the need to re-situate writing in the context of a "society of objects" seems imperative. There is a friction between the gesture of undoing and reconstructing the object as critical writing. Reflecting on writing is part of this process, as in “Brincade iras”, or in Lex Icon. In the latter's poems, we can glimpse the discovery of things through words, and vice versa. We will provide other examples and read other works throughout the text. However, it is important to note the connection between his work and the experience of things. In this way, we intend to demonstrate that her poetics is made through the problematization of language and its re-signification.


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How to Cite

Silva, R. B. da. (2023). The reinvention of poem in Salette Tavares. Journal 2i: Identity and Intermediality Studies, 5(8), 103–112.