To assault the hidden abode of reproduction

Critiques to the family from afrofeminism and the gay liberation fronts




family, marxism, periodasition, Black feminism, gay liberation fronts


The following article is intended to offer a historical account of the institution of the family in order to situate the abolitionist proposals and the Black feminist and queer critiques emerging during the second half of the twentieth century. The first section presents value-form readings of social reproduction, specially focusing on the 2013 article written by Maya González and Jeanne Neton, “The Logic of Gender”, to conceptualize the family as a “unit of privatised care”. Throughout the second section, the text lays out a periodisation of the emergence and historical changes that the family undergoes through the reconfiguring of social reproduction in a broader sense to locate the political approaches of the classical workers’ movement and its constitutive exclusions. Finally, the text presents two situated critiques of the family elaborated from its margins.



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How to Cite

Monfort, B. (2024). To assault the hidden abode of reproduction : Critiques to the family from afrofeminism and the gay liberation fronts. Journal 2i: Identity and Intermediality Studies, 6(9), 43–58.