Learning and processing non-adjacent dependencies by adults in an artificial language: Experimental evidence


  • Cristina Name Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brasil
  • Késsia Henrique Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brasil




Non-adjacent dependencies, Artificial language learning, Adult processing


We investigate non-adjacent dependency (NAD) adult learning in an artificial language. NAD is the co-occurrence of morphosyntactic and/or phonological markers with intervening material, as in These cat-s, where we observe the dependency between the determiner and the noun plural mark, and the root cat- between them. NAD learning by children has been widely studied, but little is known about how it occurs for adults having consolidated their L1 knowledge. Using a combination of experimental techniques, an artificial language learning experiment was conducted. Thirty-four adults were assigned to either the experimental group or the control group. In the training phase, which lasted 3 minutes, participants in the experimental group heard invented DP, whereas the participants in the control group heard music sound stimuli. In the test phase, both groups had to choose, between two new nouns, the one that matched the given determiner. There was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups, with the highest number of correct answers in the former, indicating greater precision in the answers given by this group. These results suggest that even after a short period of exposure to the stimuli, participants were able to abstract patterns from the stimuli and apply them to new stimuli. These findings were interpreted as evidence of NAD learning by adults.


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How to Cite

Name, C., & Henrique, K. (2022). Learning and processing non-adjacent dependencies by adults in an artificial language: Experimental evidence. Diacrítica, 36(1), 89–107. https://doi.org/10.21814/diacritica.4776



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