The figure of the Mandarin in a manuscript dictionary of Portuguese and Chinese from the 18th century




Lexicografia português-chinês, História do léxico chinês, Filologia portuguesa e chinesa


This work is based on a handwritten Portuguese-Chinese dictionary dating from the 18th century, an unpublished codex from the National Library of Portugal whose edition we prepared in recent years, in which numerous entries related to Mandarins were included, as well as specific Chinese equivalents for the same. This set of entries is very informative regarding what mandarim (Mandarin) was considered to be, its various types, procedures, careers, utensils, privileges, family, etc., in many cases deserving its own word, exclusive to mandarins or those of similar classes or higher. Comparison with later lexicographical and grammatical works of Joaquim Afonso Gonçalves reveals a curious disappearance of this type of information in the following century, with the term mandarim (Mandarin) itself being ignored in favor of others as opaque and general as empregado (employee), or less precise synonyms than seem to have served to avoid the use of that lexeme, as ministro (minister) and magistrado (magistrate).


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How to Cite

Barros, A. L., Ng Cen, A. ., & Wang , X. (2024). The figure of the Mandarin in a manuscript dictionary of Portuguese and Chinese from the 18th century. Diacrítica, 38(1), 77–100.