About the Journal


The Engenharia Civil UM was created in 1995 by the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Minho. The journal accepts articles in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

The journal aims to provide a forum for the publication of original research in the areas of Civil Construction, Structures, Geotechnics, Hydraulics, Building Materials, Construction Management, Building Information Modeling (BIM), Planning and Transport, with an emphasis on experimental research, analytical and numerical analysis, product development, functionality, efficiency, environment, durability and reliability, recycling, reuse, conservation and reinforcement, condition assessment, safety and life cycle analysis, among others. The journal also publishes detailed case studies with innovation. Finally, it should be noted that the Revista de Engenharia Civil is an “open-access” journal.


Editorial Policy

Peer review process

The Engenharia Civil UM adopts the peer review system. Reviewers assist editors in reviewing an article. The final decision is issued by the Editor-in-Chief.

Scientific articles may be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish, always requiring an abstract in the original language of the article and another in English, which must have up to 300 words. The title and keywords must also be presented in the original language and in English.

Articles must be formatted according to the template developed in MSWord. All formatting data is available for consultation in the template file available at our website.


Evaluation process

The Editorial team analyses the work before submitting it to the Scientific Board. In this analysis, aspects such as scope, presentation of the manuscript in accordance with the formatting norms and compliance with mandatory items identified in the submission template.

The evaluation of articles is performed using the double review by members of the Editorial Board and the Reviewers Board. At this stage, criteria are adopted regarding the quality of the work, relevance, formulation of objectives in an exact way, clarity of writing, theoretical foundation, updating and coverage of the cited literature, coherence and methodological precision, results with significant scientific contribution, discussion of the facts observed in in relation to those described in the literature, quality of tables and figures, originality and consistency of the conclusion.

Each reviewer will make recommendations for the article and may even include direct indications in the text of the reviewed article.

In case of disagreement between the indications made by the evaluators, a third “ad hoc” evaluator will be included in the evaluation.

Authors will receive the opinion with specific dates to meet the requested corrections, or with rejection of the article.

Authors are charged no fees for handling and submitting articles.



The Engenharia Civil UM is a quarterly publication of the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Minho.


Open Access Policy

This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.

The Engenharia Civil UM provides free and immediate access to its content, based on the principle of making scientific knowledge available free of charge, providing a greater worldwide exchange of scientific knowledge.


Code of Ethics

The Engenharia Civil UM shares the general principles of good practices and ethical values in scientific research of The Code of Ethical Conduct of the University of Minho. Any conduct that violates the integrity of the investigator is considered to be reprehensible conduct. They constitute situations that violate the integrity of the researcher, and as such, subject to sanctions, which are typified below, in a non-exhaustive way (pp. 17-18 – The Code of Ethical Conduct of the University of Minho):

  1. a) plagiarism;
  2. b) the appropriation of others' intellectual creations, protected by the rules of intellectual property, without legal consent;
  3. c) data fabrication;
  4. d) data falsification;
  5. e) the intentional data manipulation to favour a line of work or to satisfy interests that are alien to the scientific truth;
  6. f) redundant or duplicate publication, in whole or in part, without explicit reference to the source and the replicated sections.

The Engenharia Civil UM verifies submitted articles through the use of plagiarism verification software. In the event of detection of works carried out with the practice of plagiarism, if material from third parties is included without obtaining prior copyright permission or with insufficient notice, or if the authorship of the article is disputed, or any other bad practice is detected, the Engenharia Civil UM reserves the right to take action, including, but not limited to: publishing an erratum or rectification; remove the article from the Journal; take the matter to academic bodies; prohibit the author from publishing in the Journal, or take appropriate legal action.



The Engenharia Civil UM is supported by national funds through Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., within the scope of Project UIDB/04047/2020 (base funding) and UIDP/04047/2020 (programmatic funding).