Guidelines for supply management: Purchasing function analysis for civil and construction engineering in an amazonian capital city




Supply chain management; Purchasing function; Guidelines; Construction.


This article aims to present a set of guidelines related to supply management, with emphasis to procurement, in small, medium and large companies in the construction industry, building subsector in the city of Belém, located in the Brazilian Amazon. Therefore, concepts were adopted relating theories to the structural area, processes, and performance trends. To perform the research, Having as central methodological reference a relevant national study in the management of supplies we opted for the survey method, using as a tool for collecting data a closed questionnaire, in electronic format.From the great diversity of results obtained, guidelines are highlighted, among which the following stand out: (1) the need to formalize the use of supplier performance indicators; (2) the increase in the shopping area of the level of involvement in comprehensive decisions; (3) setting up a new proactive approach of purchasing management. These results contribute to the management literature of supply chain and organizational strategy as well as provide important managerial implications, especially highlighting the most usual practices found in the amazon region.


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How to Cite

C.A. Farias Júnior, R.M. Neves, A.A.A.M. Duarte, & B.M.O. Nascimento. (2023). Guidelines for supply management: Purchasing function analysis for civil and construction engineering in an amazonian capital city. Engenharia Civil UM, (63), 31–44.


