Management of mechanical teams in the construction of landfill: a study on the BR 381/MG - North highway




Schedule management; costs; road works; mechanical team.


Road transport accounts for the majority of cargo transport services in Brazil. This modal is also the one that receives the most investments from the federal government in projects, maintenance works, implementation and capacity increase. With the hypothesis that the cost and time management of services and equipment are fundamental tools for the construction of embankments on highways. The objective of the study was to manage the cost and time of mechanical teams of services and equipment for spreading in planes, homogenization, convenient wetting or aeration and compaction of materials for the construction of an embankment on the BR 381/MG – North highway. A study was carried out using the Road Costs Manual database of the National Department of Transport Infrastructure and the Road Costs System, comparing schedule and cost of two mechanical teams: Team 1, disc harrow - GD; leveler - MO; road roller - RC; tank truck - CT; agricultural tractor - TA) and an alternative team (GD; RC; CT; TA and bulldozer - TE). The results show that the cost of the alternative team is 26% higher than that of the proposed mechanical team of Team 1, but its hourly production was 33% higher, a situation that directly reflected in a shorter period, going from 222 initial days to 169, saving 5% no final cost with the use of an alternative team. Concluding that the knowledge of the area of schedule management and the methodologies of the main activity, lows and increase of efficiency in the execution of a project are of great value in the elaboration of solutions.


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How to Cite

Delmiro, F. ., Possato, J. ., & Ferraz-Almeida, R. . (2023). Management of mechanical teams in the construction of landfill: a study on the BR 381/MG - North highway. Engenharia Civil UM, (63), 58–68.


