Network health: knowing Basic Health Units in Campinas-SP (Brazil)




Unified Health System (UHS), Health Centers, higher education, professional autonomy


This article aims to report a teaching experience in virtual environment in the area of Public Health for students who were taking a professional training in SUS (Brazilian Health System) equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: Using the UBS (the Brazilian public heath attention unit) class as a reference, we started from something that is familiar to the student – the neighborhood where he/she lives – creating a relationship network present in the assistance of the Health Districts. Results: Based on the local reality described by the students, it was possible to reflect on: primary health care and services available to the population, the need for cross-sector health policies which involve the maintenance of leisure, security and transportation spaces and the role of different health professionals. Conclusion: The action made it possible to bring students closer to the reality of SUS in Brazil based on personal memories and experience. For this purpose, we highlight the need for strategies to raise awareness of the future health professional, so as to enable an ethical training and also bring independence to those students.


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How to Cite

Danailof, K., Alves, F. K. A., & Cesar, I. D. . (2020). Network health: knowing Basic Health Units in Campinas-SP (Brazil). H2D|Digital Humanities Journal, 2(2).