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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • Working languages: texts proposed for publication written, alternatively, in Portuguese, English, French, Spanish or Galician are accepted.
  • The files for submission are in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice format (as long as they do not exceed 10MB).
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Author Guidelines, in the section About the Magazine.
  • The articles sent to the thematic section of the Journal must be in accordance with the theme proposed in the Call for Publication, available on the Journal's page. For the Varia Section, the topics of the articles are free, as long as they are correlated with the general scope of the publication.
  • Reviews must refer to literary, artistic or theoretical-critical works within the thematic scope of the publication, published, at most, in the last twelve months, based on the edition of the Journal to which the text is submitted.
  • The interviews submitted to the Journal must be addressed to writers, artists, critics, researchers or other personalities whose sphere of professional intervention is related to the thematic scope of the publication.
  • All authors indicated in the texts proposed for publication fulfill the authorship criteria, have read and approved the submitted version. The published texts are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • All copyrights of the reproductions used must be ensured by the respective authors; the necessary authorizations for the publication of data on persons who can be identified must also be presented.
  • The authors guarantee to fully collaborate in the review process after the acceptance of their article for publication. In case of non-compliance with this collaboration, the article will not be published, even with the declaration of acceptance.

Author Guidelines

Rules for formatting texts

  • Articles and interviews should not exceed (including notes and references) a maximum of 7000 words.
  • Critical reviews should not exceed 2000 words.
  • All originals shall be presented in their final version, on numbered A4 pages, in accordance with the formatting instructions described below.
  • For texts submitted in Portuguese, the Journal follows the Orthographic Agreement of 1990; other orthographic options are the responsibility of their authors.
  • The Journal provides templates that should be used by the authors for the submission of contributions (articles, interviews and reviews), according to the formatting rules defined by the publication and described below. To download the templates, use the following links:



Article Title

The title of the article should be left aligned, upper case and bold, 14 Arial; in the immediate line, and in the same format but without Bold, the subtitle will appear, if it exists. With an interval line the title (and subtitle) in the foreign language will follow, in the same format.

The subheadings shall be in Bold; between the subheading and the text should be included a line of interval.

It is suggested to use a maximum of three levels of subheadings, with Arabic numerals, as the following example:

          1. Subheading level 1 (Arial 12)

          1.1. Subheading level 2 (Arial 11)

          1.1.1. Subheading level 3 (Arial 10,5)


Author Affiliation

The author's name (uppercase and bold) and email are right-aligned in Arial 11, in successive lines.

The name of the author must be accompanied by a footnote call containing his/her complete affiliation: Professional category, University, School, Department or Center, city and country, ORCID.


Abstract and keywords

All texts should be accompanied by an abstract and keywords in two languages (in the language of the article and English); if the article is written in English, the abstract should be presented in one of the other working languages of the journal.

Abstracts should appear after the author's name and affiliation, omitting the designation abstract, abstract .... (Times New Roman, 11).

The text of the abstract should not exceed 200 words.

The minimum number of keywords is three and the maximum six.


Body of the text

The pages of the text should be numbered and justified.

Source used: Times New Roman, 12, with single line spacing.

Paragraph spacing: 0 pt

Paragraph indentation: 0,63 cm (except for the 1st paragraph of each section)



The epigraphs, in italics (without quotation marks) and in 10 Times New Roman, are aligned to the right and must include the name of the author, being optional the indication of the title of the work. No parentheses should be used for the author’s name.



All figures, including tables and equations that are images, should be included in the text body with reference. The figures must be identified with consecutive numbering and titled (including, if appropriate, author, title and year), these indications appearing below the image (Arial 8).

Example: Fig. 1. Author, Title (year)


Highlights (italics, quotation marks, capital letters)

In the body of the text, the title of the publications will be written in italics, and the title of the articles, enclosed in “quotation marks”, not using underlines. 

In the titles of books, periodicals and artistic productions of any kind, initial capital letters are used (e.g. Até que as Pedras se Tornem mais Leves que a Água). Note that, in these cases, the defined articles and the invariable words are spelled with lowercase initials. The subtitle must be separated from the title by a period and only the first letter is written in capital letters (e.g. Memórias de Cego. O auto-retrato e outras ruínas).

The titles of articles, chapters, poems, etc., should be written with only the first capital letter (e.g. " Quando a poesia vai ao cinema "). 

Note that if a title of a publication or article is cited in the original, it should follow the rule of the language in which it is written (e.g. As You Like It; Le Jeu de l'amour et du hasard).



Quotations in a foreign language other than the languages accepted by the Journal will be followed by the respective translation, in square brackets.

The citations up to 3 lines should be incorporated in the text, between quotation marks. Use the following sign: "..."; and in the case of quotation marks in quotation marks: "...". ‘...’ ...”.

Longer quotes will be collected, in 10 Times New Roman, without quotation marks, aligned to the left by paragraph indentation of the text.

In-text citations will always be made within curved parentheses, following the APA style (see Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association). You can consult a quick APA style guide for in-text citations at the following address:

All authors mentioned in the body of the text must be included in the bibliographic list and all references included in the list must be mentioned in the body of the text.

Interpolations shall be identified by means of square brackets [ ] and omissions shall be indicated by suspension points within curved brackets (...).



The notes should be in Times New Roman 10, with single line spacing and 0 pt spacing between notes and between paragraphs of the same note, and will appear in footer with successive numbering. If they exceed 3 lines, the citations within the notes should be highlighted.

The figure that refers to the note should be placed after the punctuation mark.

Example: "... as often can be demonstrated.5"

In the remissions from one page to another of the article, the consecrated Latin expressions (see supra, see infra) will be used, always in italics and in full.


Bibliographic references

It will be included at the end, in Times New Roman 11, with the title REFERENCES (in Arial 10, Uppercase and Bold), the complete list, in alphabetical order of authors' surnames, of works that have been referred along the article.

For each bibliographic entry, French indentation should be used; between each entry, use a paragraph spacing of 6 pt.

The references necessarily follow the APA style (see Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association). A quick APA style guide can be found at the following address:

For more detailed information on references to audiovisual material (movies, videos, TV programs, paintings, music, etc.) in the APA style, see:



The review must not have its own title, being identified by the name of the author and title of the work recorded (Bold, Arial 12), followed by the indications of edition and, finally, the number of pages of the volume.


MARKOS ZAFIROPOULOS. L'Oeil désespéré par le regard. Sur le fantasme. Paris: Les Éditions Arkhê, 2009, 124 pp.

The affiliation of Author must follow the same standards already mentioned for the articles.

 The body of the text should be presented in 2 columns in Times New Roman 12, with single spacing, no spacing between paragraphs, and 0,63 cm indentation in all paragraphs except for the first paragraph of each section.



The texts of the interviews submitted to the Journal must have  title and affiliation of the author, following the same formatting rules already mentioned for the articles.

In the body of the interview, the names of the interviewer and interviewee should precede the respective paragraphs of text and be written in Bold, Times New Roman 12; after the first occurrence, they may be abbreviated by the initials of their first name and surname.

At the end of the interview, with two lines spacing in relation to the body of the text, the place and date of its completion, in italics, will be aligned to the right.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.