Spectra of the living in comics


  • Pedro Moura CEHUM




comics, posthumanism, non-human agency, distribution of the sensible, living, deterritorialization


Comics are a very active part of public discourse. Due to its genre and material variety, one can find many examples of narratives that attempt a resubjectification of the ultime “other”, with an active role in the holistic lifeforce of the universe. The present paper draws an introductory perspective upon such variety of approaches along a spectrum, towards an ever more encompassing consideration of sensible agents.


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2021-05-04 — Updated on 2020-12-03


How to Cite

Moura, P. (2020). Spectra of the living in comics . Journal 2i: Identity and Intermediality Studies, 2(2), 179–189. https://doi.org/10.21814/2i.2620 (Original work published May 4, 2021)