The posthuman inhabiting between inversion and eversion in “Watch_Dogs” video games


  • Christophe Duret Université de Montréal



cyberpunk; posthuman; smart city; transversion; video game.


This paper focuses on the posthuman inhabiting depicted in cyberpunk video games in the WATCH_DOGS franchise. After a redefinition of the posthuman in ontogeographical terms, specificities of the posthuman inhabiting will be describe as “transversion”, a phenomenon seen as the result of a dynamic movement between inversion (introjection of human milieus inside physical boundaries of the body through techniques) and eversion (projection of the body in the milieu through techniques). Subsequently, an analysis will be provided on the way WATCH_DOGS depicts transversion in the context of smart cities understood as posthuman cities.    


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2021-05-04 — Updated on 2020-12-03


How to Cite

Duret, C. (2020). The posthuman inhabiting between inversion and eversion in “Watch_Dogs” video games. Journal 2i: Identity and Intermediality Studies, 2(2), 33–49. (Original work published May 4, 2021)