Beatle Boots and Lennon Glasses - 1960s fashion in Pop Music

A translational act by The Recalls


  • Kathrin Engelskircher Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz



Fashion is a phenomenon strongly connected with music. Artists are aware of what they wear on stage and in public spaces and how they present themselves via social media channels. In this way, they do not only create a certain image of themselves through this self-staging strategy, but they also show their affiliation to a certain scene. In the 1960s a specific kind of music was developed which was, therefore, also characterised by a particular way of dressing and style to the current music scene which owes its strong impact to the current music scene.

The Beatles as the maybe most influential band of the 1960s with a very interesting development regarding their own fashion serve as a model for the style of the Spanish-Chilean, Germany-based band The Recalls. Their specific kind of appropriation actualises, transforms and recontextualises as a translational act the fashion of The Beatles in a postmodern way. This approach underlines the chance of establishing a transcultural dialogue and tries to develop a new perspective on other border-crossing phenomena.


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Quoted interviews with The Recalls:

Interview by Kathrin Engelskircher with Jonathan Neira, Stuttgart/Mannheim (19.2.2020) and Momo Lebrón, Cologne/Mannheim (13.3./16.3.2020).

Interview by Kathrin Engelskircher with The Recalls, Hamburg (26.6.2020).




How to Cite

Engelskircher, K. (2021). Beatle Boots and Lennon Glasses - 1960s fashion in Pop Music : A translational act by The Recalls. Journal 2i: Identity and Intermediality Studies, 3(3), 53–71.