D(o) R(e) Mi(x) Literature

Remix: From music to literature





intermediality, adaptation, appropriation, rewriting, remix


The aim of this article is to comprehend how the intermedial procedure remix is used in literature to assign a new look to rewritings of literary works. To do so, we situate the notions of adaptation and appropriation as forms of rewriting based on the proposals of Linda Hutcheon (2013), Julie Sanders (2006) and Adrienne Rich (1972). Then, we present the concept of remix within a culture of global activity, according to Eduardo Navas (2012, 2018), David J. Gunkel (2016) and Owen Gallagher (2018). Due to its wide scope, we associate the remix with the notion of traveling concept, as proposed by Mieke Bal (2002). Finally, we delimit the affordances, as proposed by Lars Elleström (2017), of musical remix, investigating how characteristics linked to music remixing are integrated to literature, through the analysis of samples transported from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice (1813) to Ibi Zoboi’s literary remix Pride (2018).


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How to Cite

Gonzalez, S. M. de C., & Vieira , M. de P. . (2022). D(o) R(e) Mi(x) Literature: Remix: From music to literature. Journal 2i: Identity and Intermediality Studies, 4(5), 119–137. https://doi.org/10.21814/2i.3770