Jaime was born here eight times already

Prosopopoeia and alterity in 'Jaime' by António Reis


  • Raquel Morais Birkbeck, University of London




Alterity, António Reis, Jaime Fernandes, Margarida Cordeiro, Portuguese Cinema, Prosopopoeia


In this article, I propose an analysis of Jaime (1974), based on the concept of prosopopoeia – a way of attributing life to a dead person while simultaneously speaking through its voice. Directed by António Reis with the assistance of Margarida Cordeiro, the film revolves around Jaime Fernandes, his life, drawings and writings. Based on some of Jaime’s sequences, I conceive of the film as two-folded: on the one hand, it conjures Fernandes’s figure by resorting to his creations and biographical elements, making the dead alive and visible; on the other hand, Jaime does more than merely retrieving Fernandes’s memory. The material traces of his life are appropriated in a way so that the film channels Reis and Cordeiro’s topics of interest, developed in their later works, namely: the importance of marginal or non-normative modes of existence; the filmmaker’s questioning about forms of preserving and representing reality; their conception of cinema as a living archive, as well as a means of expression and reasoning; their conception of the world in terms of recurrences and returns, allowing the possibility of living and surviving through others.


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How to Cite

Morais, R. (2022). Jaime was born here eight times already: Prosopopoeia and alterity in ’Jaime’ by António Reis. Journal 2i: Identity and Intermediality Studies, 4(6), 29–44. https://doi.org/10.21814/2i.4091