Energy retrofit of buildings’ envelope: economic, energy and environmental performance of ETICS with ICB or EPS
This study presents a comparison between ETICS (External Thermal Insulation Composite System) using two different insulation materials: Insulation Cork Board (ICB) and Expanded Polystyrene (EPS), during a study period of 50 years. The environmental impact balance is given by "Cradle to Grave" (C2G) Life Cycle Studies (LCA), with emphasis on carbon emissions and on the amount of renewable (PE-Re) and non-renewable (PE-NRe) primary energies used by these materials. The energy balance considers the main insulation characteristics of these materials, including the energy performance of the buildings’ envelope after the application of these materials and the corresponding energy savings. The final balance between the environmental and energy performances includes a C2G estimate of the reduction of the carbon emissions and of the PE-RE and PE-NRe consumption.
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Copyright (c) 2022 J. Silvestre, A. Castelo, J. Silva, J. Brito, M. Pinheiro

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