"DETEFISIO”: using an educational game as a remote learning tool for Physiotherapy Students





education, educational game, active teaching methods


The educational process has undergone several changes, especially after the social isolation imposed by the Coranavirus pandemic and the substitution of classroom classes with remote ones. The adaptation of educational resources to the interests of students is necessary in this context. The objective of this manuscript is to report the experience of using the “DETEFISIO” educational game in the discipline of Special Topics in Rheumatology and Chronic Diseases in a remote way. Methodology. The game addressing rheumatological and chronic pathologies was adapted for on-line application using Zoom. The game was performed in 1 hour and 40 minutes with 24 night-time students and 21 night-time students, of the tenth semester of the Physiotherapy course. The main objective of the game was to discover based on the tips the pathology and describe the indicated physiotherapeutic treatment. Results. The game contributed to develop the relationship between diagnosis and physiotherapeutic treatment, promoting active participation of students, even remotely. Conclusion.  Working with educational games can be a promising option to the improvement of the learning process, as they help students to understand the contents in a playful way and foster group work.


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How to Cite

Kenia Alves, F. ., Fernandes Silva, B. ., Cesar, I. D. ., & Danailof, K. . (2020). "DETEFISIO”: using an educational game as a remote learning tool for Physiotherapy Students . H2D|Digital Humanities Journal, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.21814/h2d.2890