

  • Idalete Dias Universidade do Minho, CEHUM, EMLEX (Portugal)
  • Sílvia Araújo Universidade do Minho, CEHUM (Portugal)
  • Álvaro Iriarte Sanromán Universidade do Minho, CEHUM, EMLEX (Portugal)
  • Geoffrey Williams LiCoRN – Groupe de recherche en lexicographie, corpus et ressources numériques/Université de Bretagne-Sud



Corpora, Digital Humanities


The present issue of Diacrítica is dedicated to Corpora in the Digital Humanities. In the last decade, we have witnessed great advances in data processing, motivated by the study and analysis of the immeasurable amount of information that is dispersed and whose production increases day by day. Thanks to new technologies and the development of computer science, Corpus Linguistics has opened the way for the study of linguistic phenomena in ways never before conceived, as well as for other uses tailored to the needs of various professionals (teachers, translators, linguists, lexicographers, terminologists, computer scientists, historians, etc.). This volume aims to give an insight into the different applications of Corpus Linguistics, with a special focus on language research in an academic context.



How to Cite

Dias, I., Araújo, S., Sanromán, Álvaro I., & Williams, G. (2020). Introduction. Diacrítica, 32(3), 7–9.