About the Journal

Diacrítica is a multidisciplinary scientific journal dedicated to literary, artistic, cultural and linguistic studies. Three issues are published annually, which include a thematic dossier (with a call for submissions) and the sections Varia, Critical Review and Interview (with submissions in continuous flow). It has been edited by the Centre for Humanistic Studies at the University of Minho (CEHUM) since 1986 and is supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). Since January 2017, it has also been published in electronic format.
ISSN 2183-9174 (electronic format)

Current Issue

Vol. 38 No. 3 (2024)
					View Vol. 38 No. 3 (2024)

Special Issue: Divine – Masculine/Feminine/Other: engendering religious theories, practices, and expressions,

Guest Editors: Guilherme Borges Pires, Isabel Gomes de Almeida, Isabel Araújo Branco

Editors-in-chief: Maria do Carmo Lourenço-Gomes, Márcia Oliveira 

Revision: Lilian Oliveira, Ana Cristina Silva, Maria do Carmo Lourenço-Gomes

Assistant Editor: Ana Cristina Silva


Published: 2024-12-28
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